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Pain Management
Pain is defined as "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage." (Rajaj, et al, 2020).
A large European survey undertaken simultaneously in a number of countries suggested that almost 20% of people over the age of 18 years had suffered chronic pain for at least 6 months at some stage in their lives, with well over half affected to the extent that they were less able to work, and almost 20% of these people having lost a job because of their pain. Nearly 20% of survey respondents with chronic pain were depressed as a result of their pain and half were concerned that their pain management was inadequate. (Breivik H, Collett B, Ventafridda V, Cohen R, Gallacher D. Survey of chronic pain in Europe: prevalence, impact on daily life, and treatment. Eur J Pain. 2006 May;10(4):287-333. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpain.2005.06.009. Epub 2005 Aug 10. PMID: 16095934).
Pain is a personal experience and each of us responds to discomfort differently. There are two main elements to our experience of most types of pain: Our direct physical sensation (and location) of the pain, and the amount of suffering, how much the pain bothers us. Hypnotherapy helps us positively deal with both these elements of our experience with pain. Geoff Sweeting is uniquely experienced and qualified to assist you in your pain relief due to his background in decades of working with the body to relive pain through acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine health and healing methods, combined with his expertise in the mind-body (psychophysiological) benefits of Hypnotherapy.
How does Hypnotherapy help me reduce my pain?
Hypnotherapy uses guided deeply relaxing hypnotic exercises to shift the way the brain processes pain signals in the body. The brain has the ability to turn on and turn off many pathways and 'gates' that deal with neurological signals and communication in the body. Hypnotic processes interrupt the pathway of the signal, so it doesn't travel from the automatic alert system to the front of the brain where it's usually processed as pain.
What happens during my Initial Pain Management Hypnotherapy Appointment?
Geoff will take the time to speak with you about the causes, conditions and experiences that led to the onset of your pain. This is a very important part of your initial appointment, as Geoff will listen carefully to your experience in order to formulate a plan that is tailored to your needs individually. Geoff will explain the Hypnotherapy process to you and answer any questions you may have. Geoff will teach and guide you through your Hypnotherapy exercise to begin taking control of your pain. You will be provided with a free relaxing self-hypnosis audio track to practice with at home and help get relief and control quickly.
How many sessions will I need to attend?
The average pain management patient benefits from 4-5 contact sessions over time. Relief can begin quite rapidly, but each individual responds differently to Hypnotherapy and so your treatment protocols will be tailored to your needs appropriately. It is recommended that you commit to a minimum of 3-4 appointments in order to learn the Hypnotherapy Pain Management protocols and implement them successfully.
Will Hypnotherapy make the pain disappear altogether or just reduce it?
Hypnotherapy can help relieve, reduce, alter and change the experience or perception of pain signals. Hypnotherapy can also reduce associated nausea, help lessen the amount of medication needed and reduce the length of hospital stays. Hypnotherapy pain relief practices may also result in the full cessation of certain pain in many cases.
What types of pain can Hypnotherapy assist with?
Chronic and acute injuries, sports injuries, post-operative, digestive and IBS related pain and most types of chronic and acute pain signals can benefit from Hypnotherapy.